Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bye Bye Winter!

I thought yesterday was the most perfect day weather wise this year. It looks like spring is here to stay, for good. It also felt great not being weighed down by a heavy jacket and the sun actually setting at a decent time. Another tell tale sign is the huge influx of tourists to DC. I think I've seen more "FBI" souveneir hats in the last day or so to last a lifetime. lol! I stayed out late last night to attend an acting seminar, telling one how to get an agent, breaking into the business and such (More on that later), and afterwords, took a nice stroll through the city. It was refreshing seeing people eating outside, sitting in the parks and just enjoying the night. I guess now is the time to enjoy before the humidity sets in, which is unforgivable here.

Here are a few workouts I've done in the last few days:

2h kb swings, 53 lbs

Do a ladder of each in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 Very little rest between circuits. Killer routine.


Fast, but intense..
Squat thrusts with pushup 5
squats 5
pushups 5
pullups 5

then do the same cycle with 10 reps, then 15, 20, 25, no rest. Kept the pullups between 5 and 15 each cycle

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring Cleaning!


Since this is officially the first day of spring, I will embark on getting rid of stuff around the apartment that I don't need. Those old albums, cassette tapes and other things I no longer or rarely use will get donated to Goodwill. I'm sure SOMEONE will appreciate them. Some items are hard to let go of, but if it's not being used, it's gone.

I have to wonder what is the relationship that we have with our earthly possessions. Is it out of pure neccesity, sentimentality or just the innate need to be surrounded by material goods? I think for me it is more sentimentality. Some of my goods saw me through some trying times in my personal life, but at this point, I need the extra space and hopefully they can be of comfort and consolation to another person.

Sometimes I wish I could just get by with the bare essentials, then when it's time to move, just throw everything into a bag and be on my way. If life were so simple..

As for my workouts, here are the last few days:

FRI 3/16

With 20 lb vest
burpees 5
pushups 10-20
squats 20-30
pullups 5

Did a final cycle of 20 burpees and pushups, 50 squats

Sunday 3/18:
Burpees 5
KB swings 5
pushups 5
squats 5

Burpees 10
KB swings 10
pushups 10
Squats 10

Burpees 15
KB swings 15
pushups 15
squats 15

Brief rest between cycles, repeat 6 times

TUES 3/20:

Did 21:


then 15, 9 and finally 5 of each.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fitness competition

I went ahead and participated in the fitness competition put on by Primal Fitness, a new facility that recently opened in DC. They are also associated with CF, and I met a lot of talented people from the martial arts, gymnastics and fitness communities. The event was held on Saturday, March 3.

I did the following events, many as possible in 2:00


Rope Climb: 2

tire flip: 1 lap

Farmers walks: 12 laps with 70 lbs each hand

L sit: I sucked on this , but held it for bursts of 10 seconds

Overall, not bad, but room for improvement.

Went home and did a quick workout of: pushups 50 Squats 50 chinups 5 Decreased reps by 10 with the exception of chins, until 10 was reached, for a total of 5 cycles.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Haven't been up to much lately, out of the loop and not too talkative. Other than that, I'm going to be in a semi fitness competition this weekend called "DC's Most Primal", hosted by Primal Fitness which just opened it's doors. This is not your typical gym, but the equipment consists mainly of kettlebells, tires, sledgehammers, sandbags and other non-tradidtional implemements used to obtain functional fitness. I'll post the events and my results Monday. I'm going to go and just have fun and build my competetive spirit again.

Workouts from the last few days:


Burpees 30
2H Kb swings 30
pushups 30
squats 30
Rest 30 sec

burpees 20
2h kb swings 20
pushups 20
squats 20
rest 30 sec

burpees 10
2h kb swings 10
pushups 10
squats 10


With 20 lb vest:
Jumping Jacks 20-30
Pushups 30-30
Squats 20-30

repeat 10 times, 20 secs rest between cycles


10 burpees
10 2h KB swings, 53 lb
10 mountain climbers
10 jumping jacks
10 squats
10 pushups
5-10 chinups
10 crunches

Repeat 7 times, 10 secs rest between cycles. I want to get to the point where I take no rest at all